Our School
Welcome from the Headteacher

Welcome to the website of Loughton Manor First School. We are pleased that you want to know more about our school, and we are proud to share our successes with you.
Everything we do is based on our aim of ‘building a lifelong love of learning in a safe and happy school’. We consider ourselves to be very fortunate in that we enjoy super support and interest from our parent body and community, have talented and hardworking staff and Governors, and a school full of delightful children who are kind, friendly and eager to learn. We all work hard, play hard and love to laugh as well as to learn.
We have a broad and balanced curriculum and provide lots of enrichment opportunities for our children. We also have many exciting special days and school trips which further enhance our learning. Our ‘Friends of Loughton Manor’ team of hardworking parent and staff volunteers organise many exciting events for children and parents to enjoy throughout the year.
We hope you will find the information you are seeking here on our website, but please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
Best wishes,
Daniela Thompson