Our School
Values and Ethos

Our school aim is:
“Building a life-long love of learning in a safe and happy school”
We achieve it through strong partnerships. Children, staff, parents and governors all work together to promote our determination for all pupils to:
be happy and motivated learners;
want to achieve their best;
be excited and enthused by new knowledge;
think and work creatively;
feel valued and secure, respecting themselves, and others;
want to be good citizens, becoming responsible and effective adults who can work co-operatively, collaboratively and independently;
develop skills and knowledge required for the modern technological world.
These shared beliefs and attitudes support the achievement of our aim:
committed to maintaining high standards of teaching and learning through professional development for all staff.
the children are our inspiration.
we enjoy our work.
we are a well-informed, organised school community.
we work co-operatively as a team recognising each other’s strengths, and giving one another support.
we provide an attractive and stimulating environment in a welcoming and friendly school.
we make opportunities for all families to be involved in school life.
our curriculum is broad, balanced, creative and challenging.
everyone is important and valued.
Click here to see our 'Pillars of an outstanding infant education'.